Desert Scholarship Foundation

Build a Better Tomorrow

Tradition’s Arnold Palmer Education Fund

A cause that legendary golf professional Mr. Arnold Palmer cherished so much that he wrote the first check. Mr. Palmer strongly believed in higher education, and felt it was important to give young people a chance to pursue their dreams.

The fund, managed by Desert Scholarship Foundation, provides scholarships and other educational services to Tradition Golf Club’s employees and their families. Since inception, the fund has granted 183 college scholarships, totaling $1.95 million.

Applications are being accepted for the 2024-2025 academic school year!

Submissions are accepted between January 1, 2024 – April 7, 2024. We HIGHLY recommend reading through the helpful hints link, eligibility criteria and timeline. If you have questions about your eligibility or need any assistance, please use the contact information above to connect with us anytime!

Curious about the timeline? When you will hear back, what happens next, etc.? View the timeline now.

The 2021-2022 Scholarship Recipients share their gratitude in this video for the life changing scholarships made possible by the members of Tradition Golf Club.